Reports and Investigation

Our members and the Association as a whole perform investigations and reporting world-wide.

Publishing Activities

We publish our reports in the independent media, some of our members issue their own newspapers or manage online media servers.

No Borders

Our Association acts all around the Globe. We do not separate people by race, location or religion. If you honour the values of free speech and independence you can join us.

No Political Assignment

Our Association is primarily an NGO – non-governmental organization. We do not assign ourselves to any political or governmental party.

Civil Rights Protection

Citizens' rights protection is one of the milestones of our purpose. Don't hesitate to contact regarding a law case or any injustice.

Officially Established!



Today, on the 1st of May 2021, our Association is officially registered!


Our goal 

Citation from the Articles of the Association 

We are an independent international trade union, established to bring together and defend the interests of professional and independent journalists, and workers of publishing, intelligence, advertising and media agencies. The main activities of the Association are: spreading enlightenment and freedom of speech, resistance to unsanctioned censorship and despotism of public authorities and corporations, protection and promotion of citizens' rights, investigations and reporting, organizing cultural events, building on the activities and continuity of the International Organization of Journalists (est. 1946).